Multimedia Producer and Journalist | Program Manager | Learning Design and Education Specialist | Creative, Filmmaker, Mentor | Serial Social Entrepreneur
Mariama loves to organize and mobilize to tell stories. All great stories, in all soul-catching ways. But she has a particular gift for stories from the most underrepresented and misrepresented communities, often emerging as the leaders in global movements.
Marrying her strong and exceptionally unique backgrounds in non-profit program development and management in LMICs, corporate marketing and public relations,
public education sector innovation, international journalism and filmmaking, and even serial social entrepreneurship— Wurie's stories are a breath of whimsical and unexpected fresh air.
Whether uncovering startling truths, or celebrating traditions or innovations, Wurie's multimedia and community approach to storytelling is often a contribution to people power, generational healing, critical conversations, or needle-shifting action.